Friday, May 30, 2014

eden these videos speak his language

which is meditatively stark quiet dizzyingly beautiful introvertly sharing to all, quite like his paintings these are taken at Mount Lavinia Beach  thank you for taking your time eden across the world and sending these
ive always liked crows  im happy this was amongst one of the videos
an excerpt on crows - Throughout history there have been many (unnecessary) conflicts and wars between humans due to differing moral and religious beliefs. To truly create a new age of love, peace and harmony it is of high importance for us to be able to transcend our particular cultural limitations and to hold in our hearts and souls what we share as spiritual beings in human form. We are all connected, infinitely and composed of the same 'stuff'. We need to realise that hurting others only hurts ourselves. Crow is the bird which represents this transcendence


  1. Thank you Jill, now those video are even more perfect with your wise words! I'm proud of your project!

    Eden :)

  2. Transcen-DANCE, Jill, are the key wurdz:
    we could very well DANCE on the literal
    clouds if you but follow me to Heaven.
    Love you.
    Cya soon.
    GBY x-tra.
